Monday, November 24, 2014

Breathe Easy

After needing to spend a year down in the desert, my husband and I were able to move our son back up to the mountains--hooray! We're so excited to be back but unfortunately, my sinuses don't agree. I don't know if it's the change in altitude, the seasonal transition, or if I just caught a minor cold but my nose has been more stuffed than a turkey.

Get it? Because Thanksgiving is this week? HAHAHA.

Sorry. I have a co-sleeping baby and sleep deprivation is kicking my butt.

Anyway, I felt miserable. I didn't want to take any over the counter meds, not because I'm necessarily opposed to them but I'm still breastfeeding and whatever I ingest can end up in my milk supply. I was suffering through the congestion until I remembered that I have an oil for that--the Breathe blend!

Ta da!

This blend is amazing. A couple deep breaths of this and my nose was wide open. There are a few ways I like to use this essential oil:

1. Inhale it.  You can just open up the lid of the bottle or, for a deeper breath, I like to use these neat nasal inhalers from Aroma Tools. Just add 8-10 drops on the cotton insert, reassemble the inhaler, and boom, you're ready to go.

2. Diffuse it. Maybe the blend is a little intense for direct inhalation for you or you just don't want to sit around periodically shoving a nasal inhaler up your nose--I get it. Try using it in a diffuser! doTERRA makes some great ones (I love the lotus) and diffusing it in whatever room you're in is a great way to reap the aromatic benefits of this oil blend. Using it overnight is a great way to keep those nasal passages open so you don't wake up congested and with a sore throat from mouth breathing all night.

3. Foot it. Applying oils to the bottoms of your feet is a great way to absorb the oil because the pores are large and soak up the oils like a sponge. I like to do this in conjunction with inhaling or diffusing it to get the double whammy.

This is also a great oil for people with more chronic sinus issues. My husband has asthma and is prone to sinus infections plus he has a deviated septum which basically means that at any time, he's at least somewhat congested. But when he uses the Breathe blend, his nose clears and he can take a deeper breath which is particularly useful now that we're back to living at 7,000 feet above sea level.

Who doesn't want to breathe a little easier? I know I do! Want to try the Breathe blend for yourself? Click here!

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