Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving (and a Tip for Too Much Pie)!

Hello, my healthy hippies!

I hope you've had a wonderful Thanksgiving with all of your loved ones. My heart feels so full with love for my family and friends, especially my husband and superhero son, and I hope you've had a great day, too. I've found some great recipes that I wanted to share during the interim between Thanksgiving and Christmas, the classic days for overindulgence (at least for me!) but for today I just wanted to say thank you for your readership and support.

Enjoy the last hours of your Thanksgiving and remember if you overate (like I did), try rubbing a little doTERRA peppermint essential oil on your very full belly. The diet can start tomorrow but for tonight, try the peppermint and enjoy that extra piece of pie you've had your eye on.

Hell yes, I'll have another piece of pie!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Don't have any peppermint oil on hand but want to be prepared for Christmas dinner? Click here to stock up!

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